Car Escape Tools and First Aid Kit For Emergencies
In the event of an emergency, you need to be prepared. Emergencies like car accidents are dangerous, so a car escape tool or first aid kit might save your life.
Window Breaker and Seat Belt Cutter
In most cases, window breakers and seat belt cutters are part of the same tool. These are known as 2-in-1 window breakers and seat belt cutters. What makes these tools important is that they help you escape from your vehicle in the event of an accident.
A window breaker is a small tool with a sharp point at the end of a rounded tip. When applying pressure with the tool, automotive windows shatter. It's useful if your vehicle is underwater or you're otherwise unable to roll the windows down.
A seat belt cutter removes seat belts you can't release. They're small blades and don't require a lot of pressure to cut through seat belts.
First Aid Kits
First aid kits are essential for glove boxes. Without one, it's impossible to manage larger wounds. Having a first aid kit is also important to have in case of an accident. Being able to treat your wounds gives you more time to stabilize before help arrives.
While having a small first aid kit is great, you're probably wondering what you should put in it. The good news is that you only need a few of the essentials. You should put the following in your glove box first aid kit:
- Antiseptic wipes (around five)
- Cotton swabs or cotton balls
- Gauze pads and gauze rolls
- Antiseptic solution (one bottle is plenty)
- Antibiotic packets
- Safety pins
- A pack of bandaids
- Sting relief pads
- Tweezers
- Scissors
- A thermometer
- Adhesive tape
Depending on your vehicle and family, you might need more or fewer supplies. For example, you'll need first aid instructions if you have small children (toddlers and pre-teens).
Also, babies require unique items. You'll need to keep diapers and baby wipes in the first aid kit or glove box.
Matches or a Lighter
Another handy tool to keep in the glove box is a lighter or a book of matches. Getting stranded is not ideal but it gets worse when you're far from home. Having matches and a lighter will help you light road flares or start a fire to keep you warm.
As a side note, it's a great idea to keep road flares in your vehicle. They're bright and alert authorities to your area in the event of an accident.